This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | App\Entity\User\User {#580 -id: null -email: null -roles: [] -password: null -firstName: null -lastName: null -phone: null -activationToken: null -activatedAt: null -resetToken: null -requestActivationAt: null -lastLogin: null -passwordResetedAt: null -passwordRequestedAt: null -remindedAdminAt: null -isSso: null -algoliaKey: null -deletedAt: null -passwordExpiresAt: null -defaultLang: null -userStatus: null -userStatusHistories: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#578 …} -userBrandAccessRequests: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#586 …} -firstUserBrandAccessRequest: null -idPopinInfo: null -userBrandAccesses: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#581 …} -userBrandAccessRequestDetails: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#579 …} -userBrandAccessRequestDetailHistories: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#583 …} -userDeletedNotifLogs: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#585 …} -userEndAccessNotifLogs: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#584 …} -userFavorites: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#587 …} -createdByUserStatusHistory: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#582 …} -userMessages: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#475 …} -carts: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#544 …} -userNotificationContents: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#577 …} -remindedPasswordAt: null #createdAt: null #updatedAt: null } |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
data | App\Entity\User\User {#580 -id: null -email: null -roles: [] -password: null -firstName: null -lastName: null -phone: null -activationToken: null -activatedAt: null -resetToken: null -requestActivationAt: null -lastLogin: null -passwordResetedAt: null -passwordRequestedAt: null -remindedAdminAt: null -isSso: null -algoliaKey: null -deletedAt: null -passwordExpiresAt: null -defaultLang: null -userStatus: null -userStatusHistories: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#578 …} -userBrandAccessRequests: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#586 …} -firstUserBrandAccessRequest: null -idPopinInfo: null -userBrandAccesses: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#581 …} -userBrandAccessRequestDetails: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#579 …} -userBrandAccessRequestDetailHistories: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#583 …} -userDeletedNotifLogs: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#585 …} -userEndAccessNotifLogs: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#584 …} -userFavorites: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#587 …} -createdByUserStatusHistory: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#582 …} -userMessages: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#475 …} -carts: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#544 …} -userNotificationContents: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#577 …} -remindedPasswordAt: null #createdAt: null #updatedAt: null } |
same as passed value |
lang | App\Entity\Language {#508 -id: 3 -name: "Français" -code: "fr" -isEnable: true -isDefault: true } |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data | App\Entity\User\User {#580 -id: null -email: null -roles: [] -password: null -firstName: null -lastName: null -phone: null -activationToken: null -activatedAt: null -resetToken: null -requestActivationAt: null -lastLogin: null -passwordResetedAt: null -passwordRequestedAt: null -remindedAdminAt: null -isSso: null -algoliaKey: null -deletedAt: null -passwordExpiresAt: null -defaultLang: null -userStatus: null -userStatusHistories: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#578 …} -userBrandAccessRequests: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#586 …} -firstUserBrandAccessRequest: null -idPopinInfo: null -userBrandAccesses: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#581 …} -userBrandAccessRequestDetails: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#579 …} -userBrandAccessRequestDetailHistories: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#583 …} -userDeletedNotifLogs: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#585 …} -userEndAccessNotifLogs: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#584 …} -userFavorites: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#587 …} -createdByUserStatusHistory: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#582 …} -userMessages: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#475 …} -carts: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#544 …} -userNotificationContents: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#577 …} -remindedPasswordAt: null #createdAt: null #updatedAt: null } |
data_class | "App\Entity\User\User" |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#893 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" use: { $class: "App\Entity\User\User" } } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
lang | App\Entity\Language {#508 -id: 3 -name: "Français" -code: "fr" -isEnable: true -isDefault: true } |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | "forms.front" |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#895 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#894 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "registration_form" "_registration_form" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_registration_form" |
compound | true |
data | App\Entity\User\User {#580 -id: null -email: null -roles: [] -password: null -firstName: null -lastName: null -phone: null -activationToken: null -activatedAt: null -resetToken: null -requestActivationAt: null -lastLogin: null -passwordResetedAt: null -passwordRequestedAt: null -remindedAdminAt: null -isSso: null -algoliaKey: null -deletedAt: null -passwordExpiresAt: null -defaultLang: null -userStatus: null -userStatusHistories: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#578 …} -userBrandAccessRequests: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#586 …} -firstUserBrandAccessRequest: null -idPopinInfo: null -userBrandAccesses: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#581 …} -userBrandAccessRequestDetails: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#579 …} -userBrandAccessRequestDetailHistories: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#583 …} -userDeletedNotifLogs: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#585 …} -userEndAccessNotifLogs: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#584 …} -userFavorites: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#587 …} -createdByUserStatusHistory: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#582 …} -userMessages: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#475 …} -carts: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#544 …} -userNotificationContents: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#577 …} -remindedPasswordAt: null #createdAt: null #updatedAt: null } |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2653 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2157 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2267 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form" |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "registration_form" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | "forms.front" |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form" |
valid | true |
value | App\Entity\User\User {#580 -id: null -email: null -roles: [] -password: null -firstName: null -lastName: null -phone: null -activationToken: null -activatedAt: null -resetToken: null -requestActivationAt: null -lastLogin: null -passwordResetedAt: null -passwordRequestedAt: null -remindedAdminAt: null -isSso: null -algoliaKey: null -deletedAt: null -passwordExpiresAt: null -defaultLang: null -userStatus: null -userStatusHistories: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#578 …} -userBrandAccessRequests: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#586 …} -firstUserBrandAccessRequest: null -idPopinInfo: null -userBrandAccesses: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#581 …} -userBrandAccessRequestDetails: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#579 …} -userBrandAccessRequestDetailHistories: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#583 …} -userDeletedNotifLogs: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#585 …} -userEndAccessNotifLogs: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#584 …} -userFavorites: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#587 …} -createdByUserStatusHistory: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#582 …} -userMessages: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#475 …} -carts: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#544 …} -userNotificationContents: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#577 …} -remindedPasswordAt: null #createdAt: null #updatedAt: null } |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "class" => "form-control" "placeholder" => "register.email_address" ] |
[ "class" => "form-control" "placeholder" => "register.email_address" ] |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#901 +payload: null +groups: ? +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Email {#902 +payload: null +groups: ? +message: "This value is not a valid email address." +mode: null +normalizer: null } ] |
[ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#901 +payload: null +groups: ? +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Email {#902 +payload: null +groups: ? +message: "This value is not a valid email address." +mode: null +normalizer: null } ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "class" => "form-control" "placeholder" => "register.email_address" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#901 +payload: null +groups: ? +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Email {#902 +payload: null +groups: ? +message: "This value is not a valid email address." +mode: null +normalizer: null } ] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#912 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "Please enter a valid email address." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#920 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#917 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "class" => "form-control" "placeholder" => "register.email_address" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "email" "_registration_form_email" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_email_email" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2276 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2153 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2285 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[email]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_email" |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "email" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | "forms.front" |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_email" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 255 "class" => "form-control" "placeholder" => "register.firstName" ] |
[ "maxlength" => 255 "class" => "form-control" "placeholder" => "register.firstName" ] |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#903 +payload: null +groups: ? +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } ] |
[ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#903 +payload: null +groups: ? +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } ] |
required | true |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 255 "class" => "form-control" "placeholder" => "register.firstName" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#903 +payload: null +groups: ? +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } ] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#930 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#960 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#1036 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 255 "class" => "form-control" "placeholder" => "register.firstName" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "_registration_form_firstName" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_firstName_text" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2303 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2159 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2294 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[firstName]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_firstName" |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "firstName" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | "forms.front" |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_firstName" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 255 "class" => "form-control" "placeholder" => "register.lastName" ] |
[ "maxlength" => 255 "class" => "form-control" "placeholder" => "register.lastName" ] |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#904 +payload: null +groups: ? +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } ] |
[ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#904 +payload: null +groups: ? +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } ] |
required | true |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 255 "class" => "form-control" "placeholder" => "register.lastName" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#904 +payload: null +groups: ? +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } ] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#995 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#952 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#953 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 255 "class" => "form-control" "placeholder" => "register.lastName" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "_registration_form_lastName" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_lastName_text" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2330 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2162 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2579 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[lastName]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_lastName" |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "lastName" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | "forms.front" |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_lastName" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
[] |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
choice_label | Closure(Brand $brand) {#922 class: "App\Form\RegistrationFormType" this: App\Form\RegistrationFormType {#435 …} } |
same as passed value |
class | "App\Entity\Brand\Brand" |
same as passed value |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Count {#905 +payload: null +groups: ? +minMessage: "This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more." +maxMessage: "This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less." +exactMessage: "This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements." +divisibleByMessage: "The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}." +min: 1 +max: null +divisibleBy: null } ] |
[ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Count {#905 +payload: null +groups: ? +minMessage: "This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more." +maxMessage: "This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less." +exactMessage: "This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements." +divisibleByMessage: "The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}." +min: 1 +max: null +divisibleBy: null } ] |
expanded | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
multiple | true |
same as passed value |
placeholder | "" |
query_builder | Closure(BrandRepository $rep) {#923 class: "App\Form\RegistrationFormType" this: App\Form\RegistrationFormType {#435 …} use: { $options: [ "block_name" => null "disabled" => false "label" => null "label_format" => null "label_translation_parameters" => [] "attr_translation_parameters" => [] "translation_domain" => "forms.front" "auto_initialize" => true "trim" => true "required" => true "property_path" => null "mapped" => true "by_reference" => true "inherit_data" => false "compound" => true "method" => "POST" "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." "allow_file_upload" => false "help_translation_parameters" => [] "invalid_message" => "This value is not valid." "invalid_message_parameters" => [] "error_mapping" => [] "allow_extra_fields" => false "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields." "csrf_protection" => true "csrf_field_name" => "_token" "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } "csrf_token_id" => null "block_prefix" => null "row_attr" => [] "label_html" => false "attr" => [] "priority" => 0 "form_attr" => false "data_class" => "App\Entity\User\User" "empty_data" => Closure(FormInterface $form) {#893 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" use: { $class: "App\Entity\User\User" } } "error_bubbling" => true "label_attr" => [] "action" => "" "upload_max_size_message" => Closure() {#895 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#894 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } "help" => null "help_attr" => [] "help_html" => false "is_empty_callback" => null "getter" => null "setter" => null "validation_groups" => null "constraints" => [] "lang" => App\Entity\Language {#508 -id: 3 -name: "Français" -code: "fr" -isEnable: true -isDefault: true } "data" => App\Entity\User\User {#580 -id: null -email: null -roles: [] -password: null -firstName: null -lastName: null -phone: null -activationToken: null -activatedAt: null -resetToken: null -requestActivationAt: null -lastLogin: null -passwordResetedAt: null -passwordRequestedAt: null -remindedAdminAt: null -isSso: null -algoliaKey: null -deletedAt: null -passwordExpiresAt: null -defaultLang: null -userStatus: null -userStatusHistories: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#578 …} -userBrandAccessRequests: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#586 …} -firstUserBrandAccessRequest: null -idPopinInfo: null -userBrandAccesses: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#581 …} -userBrandAccessRequestDetails: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#579 …} -userBrandAccessRequestDetailHistories: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#583 …} -userDeletedNotifLogs: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#585 …} -userEndAccessNotifLogs: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#584 …} -userFavorites: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#587 …} -createdByUserStatusHistory: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#582 …} -userMessages: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#475 …} -carts: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#544 …} -userNotificationContents: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#577 …} -remindedPasswordAt: null #createdAt: null #updatedAt: null } ] } } |
Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#1120 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#1131 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "brand" "brandLangs" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#1124 #from: "App\Entity\Brand\Brand" #alias: "brand" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [ "brand" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Join {#1125 #joinType: "LEFT" #join: "brand.brandLangs" #alias: "brandLangs" #conditionType: "WITH" #condition: "brandLangs.language = :lang" #indexBy: null } ] ] "set" => [] "where" => Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Andx {#1126 #preSeparator: "(" #separator: " AND " #postSeparator: ")" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Comparison" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Orx" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Andx" ] #parts: [ "brand.deletedAt IS NULL" "brand.isEnable = :enabled" "brand.publicationAt <= :now" ] } "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\OrderBy {#1128 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [] #parts: [ " ASC" ] } ] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#1094 …} -dql: "SELECT brand, brandLangs FROM App\Entity\Brand\Brand brand LEFT JOIN brand.brandLangs brandLangs WITH brandLangs.language = :lang WHERE brand.deletedAt IS NULL AND brand.isEnable = :enabled AND brand.publicationAt <= :now ORDER BY ASC" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#1082 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [ "brandLangs" => "brand" ] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -em: ContainerJXf9tfv\EntityManagerGhostEbeb667 {#310 …12} } |
required | false |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
choice_attr | null |
choice_filter | null |
choice_label | Closure(Brand $brand) {#922 class: "App\Form\RegistrationFormType" this: App\Form\RegistrationFormType {#435 …} } |
choice_loader | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLoader {#1293 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\DoctrineChoiceLoader {#1133 …} } |
choice_name | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceFieldName {#1119 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceName(object $choice, string|int $key, string $value): string {#1134 …} } |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choice_value | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceValue {#1210 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader::getIdValue(?object $object = null): string {#1136 …} } |
choices | null |
class | "App\Entity\Brand\Brand" |
compound | true |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Count {#905 +payload: null +groups: ? +minMessage: "This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more." +maxMessage: "This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less." +exactMessage: "This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements." +divisibleByMessage: "The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}." +min: 1 +max: null +divisibleBy: null } ] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
duplicate_preferred_choices | true |
em | ContainerJXf9tfv\EntityManagerGhostEbeb667 {#310 …12} |
empty_data | [] |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
expanded | true |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
group_by | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id_reader | Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader {#1202 -singleId: true -intId: true -idField: "id" -associationIdReader: null -om: ContainerJXf9tfv\EntityManagerGhostEbeb667 {#310 …12} -classMetadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#987 …} } |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The selected choice is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
multiple | true |
placeholder | null |
placeholder_attr | [] |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preferred_choices | [] |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
query_builder | Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#1120 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#1131 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "brand" "brandLangs" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#1124 #from: "App\Entity\Brand\Brand" #alias: "brand" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [ "brand" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Join {#1125 #joinType: "LEFT" #join: "brand.brandLangs" #alias: "brandLangs" #conditionType: "WITH" #condition: "brandLangs.language = :lang" #indexBy: null } ] ] "set" => [] "where" => Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Andx {#1126 #preSeparator: "(" #separator: " AND " #postSeparator: ")" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Comparison" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Orx" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Andx" ] #parts: [ "brand.deletedAt IS NULL" "brand.isEnable = :enabled" "brand.publicationAt <= :now" ] } "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\OrderBy {#1128 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [] #parts: [ " ASC" ] } ] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#1094 …} -dql: "SELECT brand, brandLangs FROM App\Entity\Brand\Brand brand LEFT JOIN brand.brandLangs brandLangs WITH brandLangs.language = :lang WHERE brand.deletedAt IS NULL AND brand.isEnable = :enabled AND brand.publicationAt <= :now ORDER BY ASC" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#1082 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [ "brandLangs" => "brand" ] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -em: ContainerJXf9tfv\EntityManagerGhostEbeb667 {#310 …12} } |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | false |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#986 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#984 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "choice" "entity" "_registration_form_brands" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entity" |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choices | [ 76 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1191 +label: "Brand interne" +value: "76" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1173 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 54 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1196 +label: "Brand pour dup" +value: "54" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1487 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 63 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1194 +label: "brou-mar" +value: "63" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1512 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 19 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1188 +label: "Ceci test Asma FR" +value: "19" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1537 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 77 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1190 +label: "Copie - Brand interne => externe" +value: "77" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1562 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 22 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1198 +label: "Copie - Marque test Mouna" +value: "22" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1587 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 14 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1179 +label: "copie - Marques template" +value: "14" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1612 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 47 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1181 +label: "Copie - test-média duplip" +value: "47" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1640 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 1 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1187 +label: "Covéa" +value: "1" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1668 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 4 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1197 +label: "Covéa Protection Juridique" +value: "4" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1693 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 3 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1186 +label: "FIDELIA Assistance" +value: "3" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1718 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 9 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2115 +label: "Fini" +value: "9" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1743 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 5 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2116 +label: "Fondation Covéa" +value: "5" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1768 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 2 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2117 +label: "GMF" +value: "2" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1793 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 6 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2118 +label: "Marque employeur Covéa" +value: "6" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1818 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 13 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2119 +label: "Marque présentation mouna" +value: "13" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1843 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 12 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2120 +label: "Marque privé inactive" +value: "12" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1868 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 10 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2121 +label: "Marque publique inactive" +value: "10" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1893 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 39 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2122 +label: "Marque publique mouna" +value: "39" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1918 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 7 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2123 +label: "Marque test Mouna 123 des marques du groupe pour que le nom soit le plus long possible" +value: "7" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1943 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 8 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2124 +label: "Marque test Mouna 2original" +value: "8" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1968 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 11 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2125 +label: "Marques template" +value: "11" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#1993 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 29 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2126 +label: "PartnerRe" +value: "29" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#2018 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 43 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2127 +label: "test- média Mouna" +value: "43" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#2043 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 42 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2128 +label: "test-M test-eng" +value: "42" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#2068 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 46 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2129 +label: "test-média duplip" +value: "46" +data: App\Entity\Brand\Brand {#2093 …} +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } ] |
compound | true |
data | null |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2585 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2399 …} -errors: [] } |
expanded | true |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2138 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands" |
is_selected | Closure($choice, array $values) {#896 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType" } |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
multiple | true |
name | "brands" |
placeholder | null |
placeholder_attr | [] |
placeholder_in_choices | false |
preferred_choices | [] |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
separator | "-------------------" |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | "forms.front" |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands" |
valid | true |
value | [] |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Brand interne" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "76" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Brand interne" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2167 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2166 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "76" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2572 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2402 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2573 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_76" |
label | "Brand interne" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "76" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "76" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Brand pour dup" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "54" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Brand pour dup" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2176 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2175 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "54" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2571 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2405 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2570 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_54" |
label | "Brand pour dup" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "54" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "54" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "brou-mar" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "63" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "brou-mar" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2185 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2184 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "63" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2568 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2408 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2567 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_63" |
label | "brou-mar" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "63" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "63" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Ceci test Asma FR" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "19" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Ceci test Asma FR" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2194 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2193 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "19" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2566 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2411 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2565 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_19" |
label | "Ceci test Asma FR" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "19" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "19" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Copie - Brand interne => externe" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "77" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Copie - Brand interne => externe" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2203 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2202 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "77" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2564 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2414 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2563 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_77" |
label | "Copie - Brand interne => externe" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "77" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "77" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Copie - Marque test Mouna" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "22" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Copie - Marque test Mouna" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2212 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2211 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "22" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2562 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2417 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2560 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_22" |
label | "Copie - Marque test Mouna" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "22" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "22" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "copie - Marques template" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "14" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "copie - Marques template" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2221 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2220 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "14" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2508 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2420 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2507 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_14" |
label | "copie - Marques template" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "14" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "14" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Copie - test-média duplip" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "47" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Copie - test-média duplip" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2230 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2229 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "47" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2505 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2423 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2489 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_47" |
label | "Copie - test-média duplip" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "47" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "47" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Covéa" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "1" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Covéa" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2239 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2238 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "1" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2488 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2426 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2487 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_1" |
label | "Covéa" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "1" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "1" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Covéa Protection Juridique" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "4" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Covéa Protection Juridique" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2248 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2247 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "4" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2486 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2429 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2484 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_4" |
label | "Covéa Protection Juridique" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "4" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "4" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "FIDELIA Assistance" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "3" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "FIDELIA Assistance" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2257 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2256 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "3" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#918 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2432 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#961 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_3" |
label | "FIDELIA Assistance" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "3" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "3" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Fini" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "9" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Fini" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2266 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2265 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "9" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#951 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2435 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2168 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_9" |
label | "Fini" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "9" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "9" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Fondation Covéa" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "5" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Fondation Covéa" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2275 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2274 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "5" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2177 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2438 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2186 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_5" |
label | "Fondation Covéa" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "5" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "5" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "GMF" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "2" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "GMF" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2284 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2283 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "2" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2195 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2441 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2204 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_2" |
label | "GMF" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "2" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "2" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Marque employeur Covéa" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "6" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Marque employeur Covéa" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2293 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2292 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "6" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2213 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2444 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2222 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_6" |
label | "Marque employeur Covéa" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "6" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "6" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Marque présentation mouna" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "13" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Marque présentation mouna" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2302 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2301 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "13" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2231 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2447 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2240 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_13" |
label | "Marque présentation mouna" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "13" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "13" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Marque privé inactive" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "12" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Marque privé inactive" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2311 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2310 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "12" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2249 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2450 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2258 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_12" |
label | "Marque privé inactive" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "12" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "12" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Marque publique inactive" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "10" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Marque publique inactive" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2320 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2319 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "10" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2384 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2453 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1209 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_10" |
label | "Marque publique inactive" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "10" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "10" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Marque publique mouna" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "39" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Marque publique mouna" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2329 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2328 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "39" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2375 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2456 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2393 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_39" |
label | "Marque publique mouna" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "39" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "39" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Marque test Mouna 123 des marques du groupe pour que le nom soit le plus long possible" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "7" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Marque test Mouna 123 des marques du groupe pour que le nom soit le plus long possible" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2338 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2337 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "7" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2366 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2459 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2357 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_7" |
label | "Marque test Mouna 123 des marques du groupe pour que le nom soit le plus long possible" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "7" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "7" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Marque test Mouna 2original" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "8" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Marque test Mouna 2original" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2347 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2346 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "8" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2348 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2462 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2746 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_8" |
label | "Marque test Mouna 2original" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "8" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "8" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "Marques template" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "11" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Marques template" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2356 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2355 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "11" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2741 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2465 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2735 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_11" |
label | "Marques template" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "11" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "11" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "PartnerRe" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "29" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "PartnerRe" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2365 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2364 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "29" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2731 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2468 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2728 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_29" |
label | "PartnerRe" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "29" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "29" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "test- média Mouna" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "43" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "test- média Mouna" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2374 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2373 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "43" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2711 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2471 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2692 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_43" |
label | "test- média Mouna" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "43" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "43" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "test-M test-eng" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "42" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "test-M test-eng" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2383 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2382 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "42" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2679 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2474 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2675 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_42" |
label | "test-M test-eng" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "42" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "42" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "test-média duplip" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
required | false |
translation_domain | false |
value | "46" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "test-média duplip" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | false |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2392 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2391 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "46" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_brands_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_brands_entry_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2673 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2477 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2671 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[brands][]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_brands_46" |
label | "test-média duplip" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "46" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | false |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_brands_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "46" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "class" => "form-check-input" ] |
[ "class" => "form-check-input" ] |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IsTrue {#921 +payload: null +groups: ? +message: "register.must_accept_term" } ] |
[ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IsTrue {#921 +payload: null +groups: ? +message: "register.must_accept_term" } ] |
label | "register.accept_terms_label" |
same as passed value |
label_attr | [ "class" => "form-check-label" ] |
[ "class" => "form-check-label" ] |
mapped | false |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "class" => "form-check-input" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IsTrue {#921 +payload: null +groups: ? +message: "register.must_accept_term" } ] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#2141 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#2140 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "register.accept_terms_label" |
label_attr | [ "class" => "form-check-label" ] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2145 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2147 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "1" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "class" => "form-check-input" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_registration_form_acceptTerms" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form_acceptTerms_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2574 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2480 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2321 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[acceptTerms]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form_acceptTerms" |
label | "register.accept_terms_label" |
label_attr | [ "class" => "form-check-label" ] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "acceptTerms" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | "forms.front" |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form_acceptTerms" |
valid | true |
value | "1" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "da71.wzGN9MLp0Dz7GjCUMpd4plMcrVoiXQQjTl-IWTSJh4o.ghzknIOO5Am0VlrHYaIW0RBwmm8RBXJuAzjyH3nTxbqbaMzZo7G2cKtsdQ" |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
block_prefix | "csrf_token" |
same as passed value |
data | "da71.wzGN9MLp0Dz7GjCUMpd4plMcrVoiXQQjTl-IWTSJh4o.ghzknIOO5Am0VlrHYaIW0RBwmm8RBXJuAzjyH3nTxbqbaMzZo7G2cKtsdQ" |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | "csrf_token" |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#866 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#867 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#868 …} -namespace: Closure() {#870 …} } |
data | "da71.wzGN9MLp0Dz7GjCUMpd4plMcrVoiXQQjTl-IWTSJh4o.ghzknIOO5Am0VlrHYaIW0RBwmm8RBXJuAzjyH3nTxbqbaMzZo7G2cKtsdQ" |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#2669 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The hidden field is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2655 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#212 …} $message: Closure() {#2654 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "hidden" "csrf_token" "_registration_form__token" ] |
cache_key | "_registration_form__token_hidden" |
compound | false |
data | "da71.wzGN9MLp0Dz7GjCUMpd4plMcrVoiXQQjTl-IWTSJh4o.ghzknIOO5Am0VlrHYaIW0RBwmm8RBXJuAzjyH3nTxbqbaMzZo7G2cKtsdQ" |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2715 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2706 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2725 …5} |
full_name | "registration_form[_token]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "registration_form__token" |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "_token" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | "forms.front" |
unique_block_prefix | "_registration_form__token" |
valid | true |
value | "da71.wzGN9MLp0Dz7GjCUMpd4plMcrVoiXQQjTl-IWTSJh4o.ghzknIOO5Am0VlrHYaIW0RBwmm8RBXJuAzjyH3nTxbqbaMzZo7G2cKtsdQ" |